Private LTE/5G
Purpose-designed networks built for digitalization and beyond.
- New site exploration and prospecting
- IoT and analytics for predictive maintenance
- Air and water management
- Digital twins
- Augmented reality
Gain the wireless network coverage, capacity and reliability to support 24/7 operations.
- Remote operations monitoring
- Autonomous drilling and hauling
- AI decision-making and predictive alerts
- Monitor vehicle tire wear and pressure
- Obstacle and collision avoidance
- 24/7 operations
Open Pit VS. Underground Mines
Two different environments, same network technologies.
Monitor all mining operations in real time to respond quickly to critical events.
Industrial location tracking and geo-fencing.
IoT sensors monitor machines, vehicles, environment, and workers’ safety/health.
360° situational awareness
Analytics for video feeds
Data connectivity from/to machinery, vehicles, staff and IoT sensors
Mission-critical Push-to-Talk and Push-to-Video communication
- Seamless blending of above and below ground communications.
- Push to talk voice and video.
- Communication System redundancy: Push to talk voice network replacement & supplementation.
- Ultra reliable, site wide communication network.
Industries that benefit from LEO connectivity
- InukNET designs, instals, and supports large private wireless deployments to mining projects across Canada.
- InukNET assists with ISED spectrum licencing and procurement.
- We understand dedicated infrastructure for critical communications and digital mining applications.
- Proven track record of deploying wireless networks operating at high network availability and throughput performance.
- Full integration with GEO/LEO/Fixed Wireless and Fibre.
Get the latest development
InukNET provides Canada’s leading enterprise customers with complete remote communication solutions. We work hard to understand our customer’s needs and engineer solutions to deliver the best Quality of Experience (QoE) to ensure we are meeting budgets and timelines.