Satellite GEO

Multi-Satellites: Flexibility, Redundancy, And Scalability

InukNET’s multi-satellite fleet provides the largest choice of available satellite coverage and frequencies (C, Ku and Ka Bands) that allows us to offer the best speeds and throughput to your site for optimum performance and complete redundancy. InukNET has designed and built two classes of satellite networks known as the SkyCARRIER and the SkyDATA Networks. Both platforms are particularly suited to a remote project’s technical and budgetary requirements. Both networks have the capacity to handle the most demanding data, applications and voice requirements.

E115wb - Next Generation Ku Band

InukNET is now offering for the first time a high-powered Ku Band solution that allows small antennas to operate north of 60°

SES 17 is Now Here!

InukNET now offers the highest download and upload capabilities through its new Skycarrier service on the SES 17 Ka satellite. With dedicated links of over 170 x 50 Mbps, this service offers the lowest cost per megabit in Canada. 

Gen5 satellite internet 2

Key Learnings

Dedicated Mcpc Markets

SkyCARRIER is InukNET’s 4th generation IP over satellite service designed to offer the performance of a dedicated, uncontended upload link combined with a large download capability that supports intense bandwidth requirements.

Gen5 satellite internet

Dedicated Mcpc Markets

Geo satellite internet in Northern Canada

How InukNET Provides Connectivity

InukNET delivers a trustworthy solution with SkyDATA’s custom packages and lower contended service plans. InukNET also ensures few performance fluctuations with reliable industry leading technology and our integrated management tools.

Galaxy broadband satellite dish

With InukNET, you can customize service plans to meet your performance needs. Our engineering team will work with you to understand your business’ internet and connectivity requirements and arrive at a comprehensive solution - at no additional cost!

Let us help your business stay connected, no matter what challenges the Arctic throws your way. Contact us today to learn more!